Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Medical Students Feel Unprepared for Health Care System

By Mike Martin for the AAMC Reporter

The U.S. health care system—like the 2,000-page reform bill proposed to change it—is a mountain of complexity. And less than half of graduating U.S. medical students comfortably understand it.

Citing inadequate education, a University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) study of 58,294 AAMC medical student graduation questionnaires revealed that, while 92 percent of respondents were confident with their clinical training, nearly 60 percent felt unprepared for the managerial demands of medical practice.

"Everyone benefits when medical students are introduced to key concepts regarding health care systems," said AAMC Chief Academic Officer John Prescott, M.D.
"That is why, when students say they believe their knowledge in this area is not where it should be, we take it very seriously. Our goal is for systems-based practice to be a core competency at every medical school and across the continuum of medical education. As students become aware of real-world issues and concerns, they can become active participants in finding solutions."

Published in the September 2009 issue of Academic Medicine, the study, which covered graduates from 2003 to 2007, found lagging student confidence in practice management, record keeping, insurance, medical economics, and managed care.

This may be especially important as health care reform legislation makes its way through Congress. 

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1 comment:

Sandra M said...

I think most of the young people who are about to graduate from University or any certification or course go through stages of "feeling unprepared" or overwhelmed by the task ahead of them after graduation.